Our preschool

RSS Preschool

The Preschool is set within the school grounds and is a dynamic and vibrant centre. A range of exciting and challenging learning experiences are offered. Developing problem solving skills and resilience is encouraged in a spacious, safe, well resourced indoor and outdoor environment. Preschool children are also encouraged to develop a close connection and respect for nature through nature play and helping in the vegetable/herb gardens.

Enrolment and Fees

When your child can start preschool

Your child is entitled to access 4 terms (1 year) of government preschool in the year before they start school.

We are introducing a mid-year intake into preschool. This means from 2023 children who turn 4:

  • before 1 May are eligible to start preschool at the beginning of the year.
  • on 1 May to 31 October can start preschool through the mid-year intake at the beginning of term 3 of that year.

Regardless of whether your child starts at the beginning of the year, or through a mid-year intake they will undertake 4 terms of preschool.

If your child turns 4 after 31 October they can start preschool at the beginning of the following year.

If you are uncertain about the best time for your child to start preschool or feel your child may benefit from starting preschool later, please talk to us about your options.

If your child is Aboriginal or under guardianship (in care) they are eligible for 12 hours of preschool after they turn 3. They will then be eligible for 15 hours per week of preschool in the year before they start school.

Early entry

If you have a child with disability or additional needs, they might be able to start preschool earlier if there are places available. Talk to us if this applies to you. Being given early entry to preschool does not guarantee early entry to school.

Enrolling your child

You can register your interest to enrol your child with us by using the preschool registration of interest form. This form is also available from us.

Try to register your interest by 30 June, but you can do this any time during the year.

Priority will be given to children living in our catchment area. If you don’t live in our catchment area you should indicate at least 2 other preschool options on your form.

If we can give your child a place with us we’ll send you an offer letter in Term 3. You can accept the offer by filling in and sending back the acceptance slip by the due date.

Before your child starts

We will contact you the term before your child starts preschool about an information session. This will be a 1-hour session where you can ask questions and find out more out our centre and our program and practice.

Before they start preschool, your child can come to pre-entry transition visits. This will be a chance for your child to meet the staff and other children. Please contact us to find out more.


We ask you to contribute towards the cost of your child attending preschool.

The parent contribution is $260 per year. You can choose to pay the total amount at the beginning of the year or to pay instalments of $60 each term. There is also a $20 fee added to your account for Term 1 to cover the cost of cooking costs and our Foody Friday Program through the year.

How to pay

You can make payment through the QKR App or directly at the front Office

Please contact us if you are having difficulty paying.

Transitioning to School Program

Transition to school from prior-to-school settings is a critical time in the lives of children. Transition itself is a complex and long-term process that involves a child’s identity, the internalisation of leaving one setting and then developing a sense of belonging within the new setting.

Opportunities offered that support children in transitioning to school:

  • Specialist learning programs in the school facilitated by school staff (Music, Gymnastics and Technology
  • Regular visits to the school library
  • Inclusion in School Sports Day and other significant days
  • Buddy class programs
  • Supervised and regular recess play in the school yard and
  • Participation in school assemblies and Junior Primary choir